Glenn E. Porter Jr. & Steven W. Porter


Glenn Porter & Steven Porter

In a desperate attempt to get out of poverty, the Porter brothers went to work writing their manuscript after having their lives destroyed by the Marchands. They hoped that their book would sell well. They wrote a 930-page manuscript by hand over 16 months, then spent an extra 8 months refining it. Despite not knowing how to use a computer, they discovered a New York City publisher on TV and sent a handwritten package. The Porters called this publisher and asked them if they accept handwritten manuscripts. The Porters mailed them a big plastic box with 870 pages of their handwritten manuscript. Austin Macauley Publishers embraced their manuscript, marking a victory over adversity. After publication, they received two 5-star reviews from Reader’s Favorite. The Porters, now supported by Austin Macauley, exemplify resilience, turning hardship into a published success story through their determination and dedication to their craft.